Results for 'Ashitha Mary Christopher'

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  1.  21
    From colonial violence to decriminalisation and recognition: An interdisciplinary appraisal of perspectives on Indian LGBTQ+ community’s encounter with law.Ashitha Mary Christopher & Unni Krishnan Karikkat - 2023 - Journal for Cultural Research 27 (1):105-119.
    This article explores the duality of law with regard to the LGBTQ+ community, examining both its historical regulation of non-heteronormative genders and sexualities and its contradictory potential to transcend such regulations over time. Situated within a postcolonial analytical framework, it undertakes a thematic overview and narrative appraisal of research materials, drawn from a diverse array of social science disciplinary intersections, spanning the timeline from 1990 to 2022, that expounds on the intricate and overlapping imbrications between law and the LGBTQ+ community (...)
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    Symbolic and nonsymbolic number comparison in children with and without dyscalculia.Christophe Mussolin, Sandrine Mejias & Marie-Pascale Noël - 2010 - Cognition 115 (1):10-25.
    Developmental dyscalculia (DD) is a pervasive difficulty affecting number processing and arithmetic. It is encountered in around 6% of school-aged children. While previous studies have mainly focused on general cognitive functions, the present paper aims to further investigate the hypothesis of a specific numerical deficit in dyscalculia. The performance of 10- and 11-year-old children with DD characterised by a weakness in arithmetic facts retrieval and age-matched control children was compared on various number comparison tasks. Participants were asked to compare a (...)
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  3. Functional diversity: An epistemic roadmap.Christophe Malaterre, Antoine C. Dussault, Sophia Rousseau-Mermans, Gillian Barker, Beatrix E. Beisner, Frédéric Bouchard, Eric Desjardins, Tanya I. Handa, Steven W. Kembel, Geneviève Lajoie, Virginie Maris, Alison D. Munson, Jay Odenbaugh, Timothée Poisot, B. Jesse Shapiro & Curtis A. Suttle - 2019 - BioScience 10 (69):800-811.
    Functional diversity holds the promise of understanding ecosystems in ways unattainable by taxonomic diversity studies. Underlying this promise is the intuition that investigating the diversity of what organisms actually do—i.e. their functional traits—within ecosystems will generate more reliable insights into the ways these ecosystems behave, compared to considering only species diversity. But this promise also rests on several conceptual and methodological—i.e. epistemic—assumptions that cut across various theories and domains of ecology. These assumptions should be clearly addressed, notably for the sake (...)
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  4. Form and Argument in Late Plato.Christopher Gill & Mary Margaret McCabe (eds.) - 1996 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    Why did Plato put his philosophical arguments into dialogues, rather than presenting them in a plain and readily understandable fashion? A group of distinguished scholars here offer answers to this question by studying the relation between form and argument in his late dialogues. These penetrating studies show that the literary structure of the dialogues is of vital importance in the ongoing interpretation of Plato.
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  5.  14
    The ORFEO project: a study corpus for contemporary French.Christophe Benzitoun, Jeanne-Marie Debaisieux & Henri-José Deulofeu - 2016 - Corpus 15.
    L’article présente le projet ORFEO (outils pour l’étude du Français écrit et oral). Ce projet a consisté à rassembler 4M de mots de Français oral et 6M de mots d’écrit à partir de ressources existantes. Les ressources orales ont été unifiées dans un format trs et alignées avec les fichiers sons au phonème. Les corpus sont présentés avec des métadonnées qui permettent de constituer des sous-corpus d’étude. Les données orales ont été segmentées et annotées en POS et relations de dépendance (...)
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    Quand un corpus rencontre un adjectif du troisième type. Etude distributionnelle de prochain.Christophe Benzitoun, Solène Bresson, Laure Budzinski, Jeanne-Marie Debaisieux & Klara Holzheimer - 2010 - Corpus 9:245-264.
    L’adjectif prochain fait partie de ces adjectifs que Schnedecker (2002a) nomme « les adjectifs du troisième type ». Ni qualificatifs ni relationnels, souvent marginalisés, ces derniers possèdent des caractéristiques qui n’ont fait l’objet d’aucune étude systématique sur corpus. Nous nous proposons de combler cette lacune en réalisant une analyse distributionnelle de prochain dans différents genres textuels (oraux et écrits). Dans un premier temps, l’analyse portera sur les phénomènes de sélection lexicale qui apparaissent dans les emplois attestés et qui semblent fortement (...)
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    What’s wrong with permaculture design courses? Brazilian lessons for agroecological movement-building in Canada.Marie-Josée Massicotte & Christopher Kelly-Bisson - 2019 - Agriculture and Human Values 36 (3):581-594.
    This paper focuses on the centrality of permaculture design courses as the principal sociopolitical strategy of the permaculture community in Canada to transform local food production practices. Building on the work of Antonio Gramsci and political agroecology as a framework of analysis, we argue that permaculture instruction remains deeply embedded within market and colonial relations, which orients the pedagogy of permaculture trainings in such a way as to reproduce the basic elements of the colonial capitalist economy among its practitioners. In (...)
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    Intertemporal Choice Behavior in Emerging Adults and Adults: Effects of Age Interact with Alcohol Use and Family History Status.Christopher T. Smith, Eleanor A. Steel, Michael H. Parrish, Mary K. Kelm & Charlotte A. Boettiger - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
  9.  34
    Off-Target Effects of a Defense of Denial.Mary Anderlik Majumder & Christopher Thomas Scott - 2018 - American Journal of Bioethics 18 (9):22-24.
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    Preferences for juries over judges across racial and ethnic groups.Mary R. Rose, Christopher G. Ellison & Shari Seidman Diamond - manuscript
    Prior studies have shown a general preference among citizens for juries over judges. Researchers, however, have not considered whether race and ethnicity modify this preference. We hypothesized that minorities (African-Americans, Hispanics), who generally express less trust in the legal system, may also express less trust in juries than non-Hispanic whites. We asked a representative sample of 1,465 residents of Texas to state whether they would prefer a jury or a judge to be the decision maker in four hypothetical circumstances. Consistent (...)
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  11.  43
    Sociocultural tensions and wicked problems in sustainable agriculture education.Christopher D. Murakami, Mary K. Hendrickson & Marcelle A. Siegel - 2017 - Agriculture and Human Values 34 (3):591-606.
    Future practitioners of sustainable agriculture and agroecology must have the capacity to address the wicked problems in the food system to make progress toward sustainability. Undergraduate sustainable agriculture students from a variety of backgrounds may struggle with the question, is the challenging and complex work of addressing wicked problems of agroecology for me? Our case study investigated sociocultural tensions associated with identity encountered when wicked problems teaching units were integrated into the Advanced Practices of Sustainable Agriculture course at a large, (...)
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  12.  22
    Les configurations spatiales de l'innovation.Christophe Carrincazeaux, Marie Coris & Yannick Lung - 2008 - Hermes 50:29.
    L'idée que la concentration géographique est essentielle au processus d'innovation est largement admise. Or, ce lien n'est pas clairement établi et il convient de réinterroger les relations entre communication, localisation et processus d'innovation. Cet article s'attache à le faire en privilégiant une entrée par les dynamiques de proximité, c'est-à-dire par la question de la coordination des acteurs. Nous identifions dans un premier temps le rôle de la proximité entre les différentes parties prenantes du processus d'innovation. Nous proposons ensuite une typologie (...)
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    Actin‐based motility: from molecules to movement.Marie-France Carlier, Christophe Le Clainche, Sebastian Wiesner & Dominique Pantaloni - 2003 - Bioessays 25 (4):336-345.
    Extensive progress has been made recently in understanding the mechanism by which cells move and extend protrusions using site‐directed polymerization of actin in response to signalling. Insights into the molecular mechanism of production of force and movement by actin polymerization have been provided by a crosstalk between several disciplines, including biochemistry, biomimetic approaches and computational studies. This review focuses on the biochemical properties of the proteins involved in actin‐based motility and shows how these properties are used to generate models of (...)
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  14. Artificial intelligence ethics has a black box problem.Jean-Christophe Bélisle-Pipon, Erica Monteferrante, Marie-Christine Roy & Vincent Couture - 2023 - AI and Society 38 (4):1507-1522.
    It has become a truism that the ethics of artificial intelligence (AI) is necessary and must help guide technological developments. Numerous ethical guidelines have emerged from academia, industry, government and civil society in recent years. While they provide a basis for discussion on appropriate regulation of AI, it is not always clear how these ethical guidelines were developed, and by whom. Using content analysis, we surveyed a sample of the major documents (_n_ = 47) and analyzed the accessible information regarding (...)
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  15.  18
    Entropy as the main justification for research in medical ethics.Marie-France Mamzer, Christophe Tresallet, Louis Pantel & Alban Zarzavadjian Le Bian - 2022 - Philosophy, Ethics, and Humanities in Medicine 17 (1):1-2.
    Ethics is an unconventional field of research for a surgeon, as ethics in surgery owns several specificities and surgery is considered an aggressive specialty. Therefore, the interest of research in medical ethics is sometimes unclear.In this short essay, we discussed the interest of research in medical ethics using a comparison to thermodynamics and mainly, entropy. During the transformation of a figure from one state to another, some energy is released or absorbed; yet, a part of this energy is wasted because (...)
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  16. La maqālat balam, traité sur balaam: Un traité samaritain inédit.Christophe Bonnard & Marie-Christine Michaud - 2009 - Revue D'Histoire Et de Philosophie Religieuses 89 (3):289-311.
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    Evaluating interventions to improve ethical decision making in clinical practice: a review of the literature and reflections on the challenges posed. [REVIEW]Agnieszka Ignatowicz, Anne Marie Slowther, Christopher Bassford, Frances Griffiths, Samantha Johnson & Karen Rees - 2023 - Journal of Medical Ethics 49 (2):136-142.
    Since the 1980s, there has been an increasing acknowledgement of the importance of recognising the ethical dimension of clinical decision-making. Medical professional regulatory authorities in some countries now include ethical knowledge and practice in their required competencies for undergraduate and post graduate medical training. Educational interventions and clinical ethics support services have been developed to support and improve ethical decision making in clinical practice, but research evaluating the effectiveness of these interventions has been limited. We undertook a systematic review of (...)
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  18. to manage with integrity: undergraduate and MBA applications of the "Giving voices to values" curriculum.P. Adkins Christopher, C. Gentile Mary & Špela Trefalt Cynthia Ingols - 2011 - In Charles Wankel & Agata Stachowicz-Stanusch, Management education for integrity: ethically educating tomorrow's business leaders. North America: Emerald.
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  19. A Place of History: Archaeology and Heritage at Cidade Velha, Cape Verde.Marie Louise Stig Sørensen, Christopher Evans & Konstantin Richter - 2011 - In Stig Sørensen Marie Louise, Evans Christopher & Richter Konstantin, Slavery in Africa: Archaeology and Memory. pp. 421.
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  20. Contributors for volume 2.1.Michael Grosso, Mary Hinton, George T. Hole, Anne Lavin, Christopher D. Rodkey, José Barrientos Rostrojo, Steven Segal, Helge Svare, Jim Tuedio & Reinhard Zaiser - 2006 - Philosophical Practice 2 (1).
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  21.  35
    Rapid Serological Tests and Immunity Policies: Addressing Ethical Implications for Healthcare Providers and the Healthcare System as a Priority.Marie-Alexia Masella, Hortense Gallois & Jean-Christophe Bélisle-Pipon - 2020 - Canadian Journal of Bioethics / Revue canadienne de bioéthique 3 (3):177-179.
    Les prestataires de soins de santé (HCP) ont joué un rôle central dans l'endiguement de la pandémie de COVID-19. Bien que potentiellement très bénéfique, la mise en oeuvre de tests sérologiques rapides à grande échelle soulève des dilemmes éthiques et affecte la capacité des HCP à travailler dans des conditions optimales. À cet égard, nous appelons l'attention sur les questions éthiques spécifiques et urgentes qui affectent de manière distincte les HCP suite à la disponibilité et à l'éventuelle utilisation obligatoire de (...)
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    Verrà il giorno / Domande sul dopoguerra.Christoph Meckel & Marie-Luise Bott - forthcoming - la Società Degli Individui.
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  23. The clinics are now available online!Alicia McAuliffe-Fogarty, Mary Lynn Dell, Luis Augusto Rhode, Christopher K. Varley & Gil Zalsman - forthcoming - Ethics.
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  24.  48
    Approches du politique.Anne-Marie Cocula, Jean-Christophe Cassard, Charles Giry-Deloison, François Billacois, François Laplanche, Monique Cottret, Jean-François Baillon, Nicole Lemaitre, Bernard Cottret, Barbara de Negroni, Charles Porset, Tristan Lecoq & Bertrand Vergely - 1991 - Revue de Synthèse 112 (3-4):519-547.
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    Introduction: Sharing Data in a Medical Information Commons.Amy L. McGuire, Mary A. Majumder, Angela G. Villanueva, Jessica Bardill, Juli M. Bollinger, Eric Boerwinkle, Tania Bubela, Patricia A. Deverka, Barbara J. Evans, Nanibaa' A. Garrison, David Glazer, Melissa M. Goldstein, Henry T. Greely, Scott D. Kahn, Bartha M. Knoppers, Barbara A. Koenig, J. Mark Lambright, John E. Mattison, Christopher O'Donnell, Arti K. Rai, Laura L. Rodriguez, Tania Simoncelli, Sharon F. Terry, Adrian M. Thorogood, Michael S. Watson, John T. Wilbanks & Robert Cook-Deegan - 2019 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 47 (1):12-20.
    Drawing on a landscape analysis of existing data-sharing initiatives, in-depth interviews with expert stakeholders, and public deliberations with community advisory panels across the U.S., we describe features of the evolving medical information commons. We identify participant-centricity and trustworthiness as the most important features of an MIC and discuss the implications for those seeking to create a sustainable, useful, and widely available collection of linked resources for research and other purposes.
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    Effects of Coping-Related Traits and Psychophysiological Stress Responses on Police Recruits’ Shooting Behavior in Reality-Based Scenarios.Laura Giessing, Marie Ottilie Frenkel, Christoph Zinner, Jan Rummel, Arne Nieuwenhuys, Christian Kasperk, Maik Brune, Florian Azad Engel & Henning Plessner - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
  27.  63
    Ethics Consultation in Pediatrics: Long-Term Experience From a Pediatric Oncology Center.Liza-Marie Johnson, Christopher L. Church, Monika Metzger & Justin N. Baker - 2015 - American Journal of Bioethics 15 (5):3-17.
    There is little information about the content of ethics consultations in pediatrics. We sought to describe the reasons for consultation and ethical principles addressed during EC in pediatrics through retrospective review and directed content analysis of EC records at St. Jude Children's Research Hospital. Patient-based EC were highly complex and often involved evaluation of parental decision making, particularly consideration of the risks and benefits of a proposed medical intervention, and the physician's fiduciary responsibility to the patient. Nonpatient consultations provided guidance (...)
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    The promise of empirical research in the study of informed consent theory and practice.Laura A. Siminoff, Marie Caputo & Christopher Burant - 2004 - HEC Forum 16 (1):53-71.
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    Quality circles for pharmacotherapy to modify general practitioners' prescribing behaviour for generic drugs.Wolfgang Spiegel, Marie-Theres Mlczoch-Czerny, Rolf Jens & Christopher Dowrick - 2012 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 18 (4):828-834.
  30.  50
    Hinduism and Ecology: The Intersection of Earth, Sky, and Water.Ellison Banks Findly, Christopher Key Chapple & Mary Evelyn Tucker - 2002 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 122 (4):925.
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    When holding your horses meets the deer in the headlights: time-frequency characteristics of global and selective stopping under conditions of proactive and reactive control.Christina F. Lavallee, Marie T. Meemken, Christoph S. Herrmann & Rene J. Huster - 2014 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8.
  32.  35
    Understanding drug exceptional access programs (DEAPs) in Canada, and their associated social and political issues.Pierre-Marie David, Kayley Laura Lata, Marie-Eve Bouthillier & Jean-Christophe Bélisle-Pipon - 2024 - BMC Medical Ethics 25 (1):1-7.
    Drug exceptional access programs (DEAPs) exist across Canada to address gaps in access to pharmaceuticals. These programs circumvent standard procedures, raising epistemic, economic, social and political issues. This commentary provides insights into these issues by revealing the context and procedures on which these programs depend.
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    Philosophy of Cosmology.Craig W. Fox, Marie Gueguen, Adam Koberinski & Christopher Smeenk - 2019 - Oxford Bibliographies.
  34.  47
    Narrative Symposium: Political Influence on Bioethical Deliberation.Jean–Christophe Bélisle Pipon, Marie–Ève Lemoine, Maude Laliberté, Bryn Williams–Jones, Dan Bustillos, Anonymous One, Anonymous Two, Ashley K. Fernandes, Anonymous Three, Thomas D. Harter, D. Micah Hester, Anonymous Four, Mary Faith Marshall, Philip M. Rosoff & Giles R. Scofield - 2016 - Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics 6 (1):3-36.
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    Gerald Odonis, Doctor Moralis and Franciscan minister general: studies in honour of L.M. de Rijk.Lambertus Marie de Rijk, William Duba & Christopher David Schabel (eds.) - 2009 - Boston: Brill.
    Building on the recent scholarship of Bonnie Kent, Christian Trottmann, and especially L.M. de Rijk, this volume gathers together studies by other specialists on Odonis, covering his ideas in economics, logic, metaphysics, ethics, natural ...
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  36.  27
    Between Policy and Politics: When Bioethics Ventures into Public Debate.Jean–Christophe Bélisle Pipon, Marie–Ève Lemoine, Maude Laliberté & Bryn Williams–Jones - 2016 - Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics 6 (1):3-6.
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  37. Slavery in Africa: Archaeology and Memory.Stig Sørensen Marie Louise, Evans Christopher & Richter Konstantin - 2011
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  38. Policy statement and retraction v.Teresa Bejarano-Fernández, Mary Besemeres, Anna Wierzbicka, Christoph Mischo, Steve Nicolle, Pablo Gamallo Otero, Dorit Ravid, Shoshana Zilberbuch, Wolff-Michael Roth & Farzad Sharifian - 2003 - Pragmatics and Cognition 11 (2):405-406.
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    (1 other version)Equality and Equity in Compensating Patient Engagement in Research: A Plea for Exceptionalism.Jean-Christophe Bélisle-Pipon, Vincent Couture & Marie-Christine Roy - 2021 - Sage Publications Ltd: Research Ethics 18 (2):126-131.
    Research Ethics, Volume 18, Issue 2, Page 126-131, April 2022. Engaging citizens and patients in research has become a truism in many fields of health research. It is now seen as a laudable—if not compulsory—activity in research for yielding more impactful and meaningful citizen/patient outcomes and steering research in the right direction. Although this research approach is increasingly common and commendable, we recently encountered a major obstacle in obtaining an ethics certificate from an institutional review board to conduct a study (...)
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  40.  26
    Le médecin expert face au compromis d’arbitrage.Dominique Giocanti, Christophe Bartoli, Marie-Dominique Piercecchi-Marti, Anne-Laure Pelissier-Alicot & Georges Leonetti - 2008 - Médecine et Droit 2008 (90):67-80.
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    Clinically Significant? Depends on Whom You Ask.Liza-Marie Johnson, Christopher L. Church, Michael F. Walsh & Justin N. Baker - 2012 - American Journal of Bioethics 12 (10):18-20.
    The American Journal of Bioethics, Volume 12, Issue 10, Page 18-20, October 2012.
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  42.  17
    INSPIIRED: Quantification and Visualization Tools for Analyzing Integration Site Distributions.Charles C. Berry, Christopher Nobles, Emmanuelle Six, Yinghua Wu, Nirav Malani, Eric Sherman, Anatoly Dryga, John K. Everett, Frances Male, Aubrey Bailey, Kyle Bittinger, Mary J. Drake, Laure Caccavelli, Paul Bates, Salima Hacein-Bey-Abina, Marina Cavazzana & Frederic D. Bushman - unknown
    Analysis of sites of newly integrated DNA in cellular genomes is important to several fields, but methods for analyzing and visualizing these datasets are still under development. Here, we describe tools for data analysis and visualization that take as input integration site data from our INSPIIRED pipeline. Paired-end sequencing allows inference of the numbers of transduced cells as well as the distributions of integration sites in target genomes. We present interactive heatmaps that allow comparison of distributions of integration sites to (...)
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    Aligning Semantic Graphs for Textual Inference and Machine Reading.Marie-Catherine de Marneffe, Trond Grenager, Bill MacCartney, Daniel Cer, Daniel Ramage, Chloe Kiddon & Christopher D. Manning - unknown
    This paper presents our work on textual inference and situates it within the context of the larger goals of machine reading. The textual inference task is to determine if the meaning of one text can be inferred from the meaning of another and from background knowledge. Our system generates semantic graphs as a representation of the meaning of a text. This paper presents new results for aligning pairs of semantic graphs, and proposes the application of natural logic to derive inference (...)
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  44.  21
    Masks, Cosmopolitanism, Hospitality: on Facial Politics in the Covid-19 Era.David Inglis, Christopher Thorpe & Anna-Mari Almila - 2023 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 78 (4):1511-1532.
    Philosophical issues of hospitality are bound up with broader issues of cosmopolitanism in thought and in practice. This paper considers the interplay of human faces, masks, forms of hospitality, and cosmopolitanizing and anti-cosmopolitanizing socio-political dynamics in the time of Covid-19. Despite confident assertions by some interested parties that it is now finished and past history, Covid-19 remains a major challenge across the globe, and so reflections on the interplay of masking, cosmopolitanism, and hospitality remain pertinent today and are not merely (...)
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    Negative self-referent cognition predicts future depression symptom change: an intensive sampling approach.Rachel L. Weisenburger, Justin Dainer-Best, Mackenzie Zisser, Mary E. McNamara & Christopher G. Beevers - forthcoming - Cognition and Emotion.
    Cognitive theories of depression assert that negative self-referent cognition has a causal role in the development and maintenance of depression symptoms, but few studies have examined temporal associations between these constructs using intensive, longitudinal sampling strategies. In three samples of undergraduate students, we examined associations between change in self-referent processing and depression across 5 daily assessments (Sample 1, N = 303, 1,194 measurements, 79% adherence), 7 daily assessments (Sample 2, N = 313, 1,784 measurements, 81% adherence), and 7 weekly assessments (...)
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    Corrigendum: A Mental Odd-Even Continuum Account: Some Numbers May Be “More Odd” Than Others and Some Numbers May Be “More Even” Than Others.Lia Heubner, Krzysztof Cipora, Mojtaba Soltanlou, Marie-Lene Schlenker, Katarzyna Lipowska, Silke M. Göbel, Frank Domahs, Maciej Haman & Hans-Christoph Nuerk - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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  47. Transforming knowledge systems for life on Earth: Visions of future systems and how to get there.Ioan Fazey, Niko Schäpke, Guido Caniglia, Anthony Hodgson, Ian Kendrick, Christopher Lyon, Glenn Page, James Patterson, Chris Riedy, Tim Strasser, Stephan Verveen, David Adams, Bruce Goldstein, Matthias Klaes, Graham Leicester, Alison Linyard, Adrienne McCurdy, Paul Ryan, Bill Sharpe, Giorgia Silvestri, Ali Yansyah Abdurrahim, David Abson, Olufemi Samson Adetunji, Paulina Aldunce, Carlos Alvarez-Pereira, Jennifer Marie Amparo, Helene Amundsen, Lakin Anderson, Lotta Andersson, Michael Asquith, Karoline Augenstein, Jack Barrie, David Bent, Julia Bentz, Arvid Bergsten, Carol Berzonsky, Olivia Bina, Kirsty Blackstock, Joanna Boehnert, Hilary Bradbury, Christine Brand, Jessica Böhme, Marianne Mille Bøjer, Esther Carmen, Lakshmi Charli-Joseph, Sarah Choudhury, Supot Chunhachoti-Ananta, Jessica Cockburn, John Colvin, Irena L. C. Connon & Rosalind Cornforth - 2020 - Energy Research and Social Science 70.
    Formalised knowledge systems, including universities and research institutes, are important for contemporary societies. They are, however, also arguably failing humanity when their impact is measured against the level of progress being made in stimulating the societal changes needed to address challenges like climate change. In this research we used a novel futures-oriented and participatory approach that asked what future envisioned knowledge systems might need to look like and how we might get there. Findings suggest that envisioned future systems will need (...)
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    A unified framework for inhibitory control.Randall C. O'Reilly Yuko Munakata, Seth A. Herd, Christopher H. Chatham, Brendan E. Depue, Marie T. Banich - 2011 - Trends in Cognitive Sciences 15 (10):453.
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    Temporal Stability of the Francis Scale of Attitude Toward Christianity Short-Form Among 10- To 12-Year-Old English Children: Test-Retest Data Over 15 Weeks. [REVIEW]Sharon Mary Cruise, Christopher Alan Lewis & Bill Lattimer - 2007 - Archive for the Psychology of Religion 29 (1):259-268.
    Recently three studies have reported on the test-retest reliability of the Francis Scale of Attitude toward Christianity; however, these studies were limited to comparatively small samples . The present study examined the temporal stability of the 7-item version of the Francis Scale of Attitude toward Christianity over a 15-week period among a sample of 581 English children aged between 10 and 12 years. Data demonstrated that stability across the two administrations was very high ; however, there was a significant change (...)
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    Transforming knowledge systems for life on Earth: Visions of future systems and how to get there.Ioan Fazey, Niko Schäpke, Guido Caniglia, Anthony Hodgson, Ian Kendrick, Christopher Lyon, Glenn Page, James Patterson, Chris Riedy, Tim Strasser, Stephan Verveen, David Adams, Bruce Goldstein, Matthias Klaes, Graham Leicester, Alison Linyard, Adrienne McCurdy, Paul Ryan, Bill Sharpe, Giorgia Silvestri, Ali Yansyah Abdurrahim, David Abson, Olufemi Samson Adetunji, Paulina Aldunce, Carlos Alvarez-Pereira, Jennifer Marie Amparo, Helene Amundsen, Lakin Anderson, Lotta Andersson, Michael Asquith, Karoline Augenstein, Jack Barrie, David Bent, Julia Bentz, Arvid Bergsten, Carol Berzonsky, Olivia Bina, Kirsty Blackstock, Joanna Boehnert, Hilary Bradbury, Christine Brand, Jessica Böhme Sangmeister), Marianne Mille Bøjer, Esther Carmen, Lakshmi Charli-Joseph, Sarah Choudhury, Supot Chunhachoti-Ananta, Jessica Cockburn, John Colvin, Irena L. C. Connon, Rosalind Cornforth, Robin S. Cox, Nicholas Cradock-Henry, Laura Cramer, Almendra Cremaschi, Halvor Dannevig, Catherine T. Day & Cathel Hutchison - unknown
    Formalised knowledge systems, including universities and research institutes, are important for contemporary societies. They are, however, also arguably failing humanity when their impact is measured against the level of progress being made in stimulating the societal changes needed to address challenges like climate change. In this research we used a novel futures-oriented and participatory approach that asked what future envisioned knowledge systems might need to look like and how we might get there. Findings suggest that envisioned future systems will need (...)
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